Senin, 13 April 2020

Contoh Text Recount

Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris di SMA, para siswa dituntut untuk memahami berbagai macam teks. Berikut ini saya bagikan salah satu contoh teks, yaitu teks recount. Silah dipelajari dan semoga bermanfaat.
Teks recount dalam Bahasa Inggris merupakan teks yang menceritakan tentang event, kegiatan atau kejadian. Biasanya, teks reount ini merupakan sebuah kejadian yang dialami oleh seseorang. Ini berarti bahwa  teks recount ini merupakan pengalaman seseorang. Adapun tujuan dari teks recount ini yaitu untuk menghibur (to entertain, to amuse).

 Adapun ciri-ciri teks recount ini sebagai berikut:
  • Menggunakan kalimat past tense (lampau) seperti arrived, came, departed
  • Menggunakan adverb atau adverbial phrase, seperti last holiday, last December, two days ago, on the second day dan lain-lain
  • Menggunakan kata penghubung atau conjunction dan  penghubung waktu (time connectives; untuk menghubungkan urutan peeristiwa) seperti: then, after that, and, before that, dan lain sebagainya.
Generic Structure of Recount Text
  1. Orientation
          Menceritakan mengenai latar belakang informasi tentang siapa, dimana, kapan  
          kejadian/peristiwa terjadi.

      2. Event
          Menceritakan urutan peristiwa yang terjadi secara kronologis.

      3. Re-orientation
          Merupakan penutup atau  kesimpulan cerita, dapat berupa pendapat penulis mengenai
          peristiwa  tersebut.

Untuk lebih memahami berbagai  macam teks dalam Bahasa Inggris, berikut penulis sajikan salah satu contoh dari teks recount. 

Text 1. 
I joined the story telling competition   when I was in  the  high  school. Actually, I  did  not  have  any experience on it. That was my first experience  to  join such  kind of  competition. I have also    never seen the competition before. I just saw the competition on TV.

I got a little bit nervous when I come  to the room of the competition. I thought that there were a few contestants who would join the competition. I saw the participants come to the room one by one. and, in fact, there were a lot of students who also joined the competition. Looking at them seemed that they were all experienced in the competition. It made me feel more nervous.

The competition was begun. I got the fifteenth turn to perform story telling. I learnt how the other contestants performed their story. Many of them were so great. But the rest were ordinary, I thought, it was my turn, I did my best. I tried to live up to the content of the story. I did not wish more to be a winner. I was just happy to join this competition.

That was the time to announcement of the winner. The third winner was called by the committee. No wonder! The third winner had a great performance in reading the story. It was followed by the call for the second winner. The second winner was also a great contestants. I began to be pessimistic in being the winner. The first winner had to be the one who had a really a good performance. Then, the committee called the first winner of a story telling competition. And, what a surprise! My name was called. Finally I could get the first place to be the champion. I was really happy to get it.

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